
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lost in Technology

Noun: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, esp. in industry: "computer technology"; "recycling technologies".

Hello everyone! My name is QuiteStorm and i’m a techaholic (tech-a-holic). I am not “lost in translation” but “lost in technology” because I don’t watch a lot of television but I am a gadget person. My favorite inanimate object is my iPhone and I am sad to say that I am one of many who cannot imagine my life without my iPhone. 

I got my first iPhone a year ago and instantly feel in love with it.  I was sold on its features that consolidated a mobile phone, wireless Internet, and iPod in one package.  If you are using the term 'technology' in the broadest sense, there really isn't any part of our lives that isn't interconnected with technology in some way.

My smartphone (iPhone) outsmarted me one day and took a permanent leave of absence without giving me any notice.  I felt sad and lost because I could not function normally; i could not remember or access my telephone numbers, passwords, to-do-list. Everything for my personal life and work was in my phone. To cut a long story short, after a week of troubleshooting with Apple, I was told I would have to purchase a new one.  I felt like my whole world had crashed right before my eyes because my iPhone was like a personal assistant that I used for practically everything.

Top 10 Uses of my iPhone:
  1. Emails (I can easily check emails as soon as I wake up & during the day)
  2. Apps such as Online Banking, shopping, facebook, twitter, groupons 
  3. GPS (I have no sense of direction)
  4. Daily to-do list and reminders (my short-term memory sucks)
  5. Alarm Clock 
  6. Telephone numbers (I think i only know 5 telephone 
  7. Games (Scrabble, Buggle, Checkers, Chess)
  8. Pictures (the last time I owned a camera was in 2008)
  9. Music (pandora is the best free music station)
  10. Internet 
The list goes on but most importantly, I can now manage my blog and keep up to date with the blogs I follow. I have learned a big lesson which is not to be overly dependent on my phone.  I bought a journal/planner so I have a paper back-up :)

Dear readers, are we slowly becoming slaves to technology or are we simply evolving as a species? In addition, are you addicted to your smartphone (iPhone, Blackberry, HTC or any other type of phone)? What activities do you typically use your phone and can you consciously put your phone away without looking at it or using it? For how long?

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." 
-Alan Kay


  1. I wouldn't say I am a techie by any means because I am a late adopter (just got the iPhone 3 when the 4s came out). But I have felt dependent on a cell phone for the past 10+ years. I depend on my phone for about 7 out of the 10 things you listed. And when my phone was lost for about 4 days a few years ago, I remember feeling extreme anxiety. I lived alone with no home phone, and felt I had no contact with the outside world. I stood up a date because I couldn't find his house and didn't have his number to call. It was so stressful to know that I couldn't contact anyone and they couldn't reach me. I'm so dependent on my phone that as I was recently waiting in the cell store to have my contacts transferred, I kept looking in my purse to check my phone, even though I knew the associate had it! I'd say I cant go idle for more than 5 mins without checking my phone!!

  2. Hi CherryUGA. I can totally relate because I cannot go idle for more than 5 mins without clicking my phone to check if I have new email or text messages. I almost reconnected with an estranged friend during the time my phone took a leave of absence. I could not reach out to her because I did not remember her number and she thought I intentionally did not follow-up on our arranged meeting..hence we are still distant. However, thinking about it now, I spend a lot of time on my iPhone/Mac than I spend with anyone. I believe that everyone with a smartphone needs to find a healthy balance and figure out how to use them without becoming addicted.
