
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tag You're It!

Hello my fellow bloggers and friends!!! 
I was tagged by ma chére soeur and blogger Cheli (please check out her blog if you have not already done so.. This exercise is a fun way to learn more about me and I hope I don’t scare you off :)

The Rules:
1. Post these rules on your blog
2. You must post 11 random things yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you've tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ Blah blah blah, you legiti­mately have to tag 11 peeps!

10 Random Facts About Me:
1. I love traveling and learning about new cultures
2. I am a Germaphobe (Definition: Any person who is obsessed cleanliness and defeating bacteria).  
3. I am addicted to shoes.  I have over 50 pairs  
4. I rarely cook but I have found a new use for my kitchen, which is whipping up Body Butters.
5. I love spicy food.  
6. I am a vegan enthusiast. 
7. I am afraid of bugs.  
8. I ran 2 half marathons and I aspire to run a full marathon one day.
9. I love cats
10. I am afraid of heights but I like views from the top. 

Cheli’s Questions for Me:
  1. What is/are your favorite colors? Pink and Teal
  2. What is your true passion in honest? That’s a great question.  I’m not sure what that “true” passion is. My passion evolves as I evolve in life and right now it is living a healthy lifestyle and informing others about making the best decision on what they put in their bodies and on their skin.
  3. Books or Movies? Movies; I’m looking forward to watching “Underworld: Awakening” in theaters January 20th.
  4. What do you love the most about blogging? The ability to share and learn
  5. What is your biggest fear? My deepest fear is losing someone close to me (death)
  6. Wine or liquor? Wine. I prefer white over red. 
  7. Where is the one place you would love to live out the rest of your life? Preferably a tropical Island - once I visit a couple I will narrow it down. 
  8. Resolutions or wing it? Wing it (unscripted...) 
  9. Night Club or Live music lounge? Live Music
  10. Where will be the ultimate vacation get away? Belize
  11. Boutiques or Mass Retail? and if you said Boutique, clue me in on your fave ;0) Boutiques (Fab’rik)
My Questions To You:
  1. Which is more appealing to to you meat/fish or fruits/veggies?
  2. Are you a conformist or an independent?
  3. What are the top 3 items you cannot leave home without?
  4. When is your favorite time of the year (spring, summer, fall, winter)?
  5. What is your favorite movie of all time and why?
  6. Has reading a book ever made you cry? Which one?
  7. What would you do if you won a million dollars today?
  8. Who do you think is the sexiest man and woman alive?
  9. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
  10. When you were growing up what did you want to become in life?
  11. And the last question, iPhone or Blackberry?
Tag you're it!

A true knowledge of ourselves is knowledge of our power
 - Mark Rutherford

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lost in Technology

Noun: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, esp. in industry: "computer technology"; "recycling technologies".

Hello everyone! My name is QuiteStorm and i’m a techaholic (tech-a-holic). I am not “lost in translation” but “lost in technology” because I don’t watch a lot of television but I am a gadget person. My favorite inanimate object is my iPhone and I am sad to say that I am one of many who cannot imagine my life without my iPhone. 

I got my first iPhone a year ago and instantly feel in love with it.  I was sold on its features that consolidated a mobile phone, wireless Internet, and iPod in one package.  If you are using the term 'technology' in the broadest sense, there really isn't any part of our lives that isn't interconnected with technology in some way.

My smartphone (iPhone) outsmarted me one day and took a permanent leave of absence without giving me any notice.  I felt sad and lost because I could not function normally; i could not remember or access my telephone numbers, passwords, to-do-list. Everything for my personal life and work was in my phone. To cut a long story short, after a week of troubleshooting with Apple, I was told I would have to purchase a new one.  I felt like my whole world had crashed right before my eyes because my iPhone was like a personal assistant that I used for practically everything.

Top 10 Uses of my iPhone:
  1. Emails (I can easily check emails as soon as I wake up & during the day)
  2. Apps such as Online Banking, shopping, facebook, twitter, groupons 
  3. GPS (I have no sense of direction)
  4. Daily to-do list and reminders (my short-term memory sucks)
  5. Alarm Clock 
  6. Telephone numbers (I think i only know 5 telephone 
  7. Games (Scrabble, Buggle, Checkers, Chess)
  8. Pictures (the last time I owned a camera was in 2008)
  9. Music (pandora is the best free music station)
  10. Internet 
The list goes on but most importantly, I can now manage my blog and keep up to date with the blogs I follow. I have learned a big lesson which is not to be overly dependent on my phone.  I bought a journal/planner so I have a paper back-up :)

Dear readers, are we slowly becoming slaves to technology or are we simply evolving as a species? In addition, are you addicted to your smartphone (iPhone, Blackberry, HTC or any other type of phone)? What activities do you typically use your phone and can you consciously put your phone away without looking at it or using it? For how long?

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." 
-Alan Kay

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Coincidence or Destiny?

co·in·ci·dence /kōˈinsədəns/
Noun: A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection 

des·ti·ny /ˈdestinē/
Noun: The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.

One of the most common themes in our life is coincidence. Coincidences happen by chance far more often than we think.  I have experienced many random events but I will tell you about an incredible coincidence that occurred a couple of days ago.  This incident made me a believer that whenever you are thinking about something so intensively, the universe or your subconscious brings it to fruition sooner than you think (Law of Attraction). 

So you ask what happened?

Scene 1: It is 10am on a beautiful sunny day in December.  I am going through the list of contacts in my phone deleting those I no longer interact with.  I came across Cathy (whom I met through an estranged friend) and contemplated whether or not to delete her since we’ve had no form of communication in the last two years.  I could not help but wonder if Cathy’s decision not to communicate with me was influenced by my estranged friend.  As I was thinking about how awkward it would be to bump into Cathy and have a conversation about why we stopped keeping in touch, my thought was interrupted by a call from a friend inviting me to have coffee with her that afternoon.  

Scene 2: I met my friend at Starbucks Coffee located at an outdoor mall.  We had great dialogue and decided to do some shopping as well. It was a gorgeous day and so refreshing to be outside in the elements.  The sounds of music filled the streets as people enjoyed the weather, shopping, and company of friends.  The crowd was really big and the shopping fever was going on.  As we strolled leisurely chatting about new years' eve celebration plans, I heard someone call my name and who did I see standing in-front of me...“Cathy”.  We were both shocked to see each other but I was more shocked because I just thought about her a couple of hours ago.  By the way, Cathy lives in New York and who would have imagined that we would be in the same place at the same time.  It is truly a small world after all.  We hugged and we chatted for about five minutes.  We wished each other well and said goodbye. 

Scene 3: As we moved on,  I said to my friend “what a coincidence, the universe gave life to my random thought”... But then I wondered if that encounter was a coincidence or destiny.

Our life stories are interwoven with occasional random encounters such as banging our toes, being late for work, food poisoning, missing our flight, forgetting where we dropped our car keys and the list goes on but when you accidentally see an old friend you have not seen for a long time, you have to wonder why has this coincidence happened and is there a message behind this encounter?

What about you?  Has anything like that ever happened to you?  Have you ever been thinking about someone, whom you have not seen or spoken to for months, and then that person showed up from nowhere on the very same day or next?  Have you ever thought about someone and wanted to send him/her an text message and he/she sends you a message or calls you almost at the same time? Also, what is the difference between coincidence and destiny? We think everything that happens is coincidence. Perhaps there will come  a time or a situation which we will say that it was destiny.  

Sow a thought and you will harvest an act;
Sow an act and you will harvest habits;
Sow habits and you will harvest your character;
Sow the character and you will harvest your destiny. 
- Charles Reade