
Friday, December 30, 2011

Life, Camera, Action!!!

un·script·ed: /ˌənˈskriptid/

 Said or delivered without a prepared script; impromptu, unrehearsed

Life, Camera, Action!
So if your life was a movie, what genre would it be? I asked myself the same question and frankly, I don’t know what genre my life would fall under. I might as well make up my own genre because it is a blend of drama, action, suspense and comedy, so I guess I can call it drasacmedy (dra-sac-medy) lol!
The action piece is very minimal so as I progress in life, I would like to incorporate more action such as traveling, cruises, adventures like rock-climbing, hiking, sky diving, marathon and the list goes on.

Life: In Shakespeare’s play As You Like It, Jacques said, 
“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,..” 

As I reflect on my life and those around me, I feel we are in one big movie production that has no visual script(s). It is like the HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. The dialogue is largely improvised by the actors (us). The plots and subplots of our movie are established in an outline written not by Steven Spielberg but by our creator, Jehovah. He has given everyone of us the lead role in our own movie, a set and co-stars on the very onset (geographical location and family). However, as we journey through our life production we might move to a different set for different reasons such as work, school, marriage etc and we meet new people/co-stars along the way and assign them roles to play in our movie like friend, partner, mentor, shrink etc. Depending on the role they individuals play in our life, these individuals come for a season, reason, or a lifetime. Sometimes we strip them off their title and fire them from our production due to misunderstanding or betrayal. Other times, they decide to leave on their own because we no longer fit in their movie or they die. There should be no hard feelings because remember, they also have a main part in their own movie and they have the right to select their co-stars or move on to a different set. 

Camera: We are all Superstars. Our movie production involves our daily life and the main plot often revolve around our family, friendships, relationships, career, problems, expectations, joy, happiness, annoyance with other people's behavior, awkward situations etc. So fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, life does not hand you a script. Some of us have a plan on how we want our life to progress but sometimes it feels like we are totally winging it, which can be fun or frustrating. The one thing that is certain is that no one knows exactly know how our movie will end. Its all a matter of “Choice” and every choice we make or action we take has reaction. Similar to Newtons Third Law of Motion: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. 

Action: My choice at this time in my life is to live a healthier and happier life. To gain and share knowledge with others using my blog as a medium. I am a life-time learner and excited to share the things I learn as I move along my unscripted journey.

                                               Life is Unscripted. Undertake Life as it Comes”
                                                                         - QuietStorm

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi I'm QuietStorm! 

What exactly is Unscripted...?  It is simply about my life and knowledge I acquire along the way to benefit me physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.  Life is a journey; most of us believe in the destination and the rest of us believe in the journey.  I look at my life today and it is definitely not how I expected it to be five years ago. But I am content and appreciate all my successes and failures because it has molded me into the person I am today.

As of October 2011, I stopped trying to plan out my destiny and I am focused on the here and now.  I have made the commitment to start living life to the fullest and enjoying the things I want out of life, instead of focusing on what those around me think should be important.  As life is unscripted, my blog is Unscripted. It will be a blend of everything life has offered me and can offer you. 

I am currently working on living a healthier life. This blog is an avenue for me to share my adventures and projects with you. Through my endless internet searches for ways to improve my health in a “green” way, I've come across various blogs and websites that have inspired me. I have taken some of those ideas and revised them to suit my lifestyle. I treat my blog more as a hobby and an extension of my desire to help people by knowledge sharing. I want to learn from you as well so feel free to drop a comment or ask a question. I hope I can inspire you to stop planning life and just start living it, unscripted...unscripted.

Live boldly. Laugh loudly. Love truly. Play as often as you can. Work as smart as you are able. Share your heart as deeply as you can reach."
 ~Mary Anne Radmacher